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How to tailor volunteer opportunities for corporate impact

How to tailor volunteer opportunities for corporate impact - cover-min 

In an era where every corporation is embracing the spirit of volunteering, there’s a growing need to shift from traditional approaches to more dynamic, skills-based volunteering that considers what the employee cares about. As corporate and HR professionals, you're often tasked with organizing volunteer days and programs that are not only impactful, but also engage employees meaningfully. This comprehensive guide aims to streamline this process, revealing how a strategic approach, coupled with the right tools like Catchafire, can transform your employee volunteering efforts.

The workforce why: investing in purpose-driven initiatives

A recent trend underscores the importance of integrating purpose into your corporate fabric. In 2020 and 2021, 44% of Millennial workers and 49% of Gen Z workers chose their jobs based on personal ethics. Moreover, 7 in 10 employers globally say that they are struggling to find workers with the right mix of technical skills. This scenario highlights an essential insight: employees are increasingly seeking purpose, meaning, and impact in their work.
Additionally, executives are acknowledging the importance of corporate purpose and CSR programs as a solution to workforce challenges. In Summer 2022, 37% of CEOs expected that “strengthening [their] company’s stated purpose” will have the greatest impact on combating the “Great Resignation.”

Practicing corporate social responsibility (CSR): more than just a good deed

How to tailor volunteer opportunities for corporate impact - 1-min

CSR initiatives, particularly volunteering, have profound impacts. Findings from a Giving USA Special Report researched and written by IUPUI Lilly School of Philanthropy with support from Deloitte reported that successful employee volunteering programs lead to: 

  • Increased motivation, especially for remote employees
  • A higher likelihood of employees sharing positive information about their workplace
  • Positive correlation with labor productivity and employee satisfaction
  • Strengthened commitment and emotional attachment to the employer
  • Enhanced attractiveness to prospective employees, especially younger generations
  • Competitive edge in hiring highly qualified candidates

Employees’ preferences: tailoring for greater impact

In 2024, corporations must offer employees ways to give back that are: 

Employees crave opportunities to use their professional skills or expertise in a volunteering context. This not only provides a sense of fulfillment but also enhances their skill set.

Offering flexibility in group size and time commitment (like half-day or full-day options) accommodates diverse schedules and commitments.

Deeply understanding the needs of beneficiary organizations ensures that volunteer efforts are truly impactful.

Providing online resources and instructions for easy participation in various events fosters greater involvement.

Catchafire: Streamlining corporate volunteering

How to tailor volunteer opportunities for corporate impact - 2-min

Catchafire stands out as a tool that revolutionizes the way corporations approach employee volunteering. Here’s how it aligns with the needs of today's workforce and simplifies your role as an organizer:

Time-saving and efficient
Catchafire removes the hassle of extensive planning and coordination, making it easier to organize and execute volunteering events. 

No need for employee surveys
Catchafire's platform offers a diverse range of volunteering opportunities, eliminating the need for surveys to gauge employee interests. Companies can develop volunteer events that resonate with their corporate culture and employee preferences. Curate a custom engagement moment for your people to give back during moments such as Giving Tuesday, Black History Month, Women’s History Month, Pride Month, Financial Literacy Month, and April Volunteer Week.

Reporting and impact measurement
With integrated reporting tools, measuring the impact of your volunteering efforts becomes straightforward, aiding in demonstrating the achievements of CSR activities. We provide real-time impact metrics and testimonials that you can take back to your stakeholders and community.

Catering to diverse interests
Catchafire offers a variety of skills-based volunteering opportunities and employee engagement activities, ensuring that there's something for every employee's interest and expertise. Employees receive access to thousands of volunteering projects, ensuring that there is something for everyone. Employees can search for volunteer opportunities based on their skill set, interests, and availability. Virtual, in-person, hybrid, individual, and team volunteer opportunities are available on demand.

Improving employee engagement
By matching employees with causes they are passionate about, Catchafire ensures a higher level of engagement and satisfaction.

Promoting flexibility and accessibility
Catchafire's platform is designed for flexibility, allowing employees to engage in volunteering activities that fit their schedules.

Implementing a successful corporate volunteer program

How to tailor volunteer opportunities for corporate impact - 3-min

Understand your workforce: Knowing your employees’ skills and interests is key to matching them with the right opportunities.

Utilize Catchafire: Leverage the platform’s vast array of volunteer opportunities to cater to diverse interests and skill sets.

Communicate effectively: Keep your employees informed about upcoming opportunities and the impact of their efforts.

Encourage leadership involvement: When leadership participates, it sends a strong message about the company’s commitment to CSR.

Gather feedback: Post-event surveys can help improve future initiatives.

Celebrate successes: Acknowledge and celebrate the impact of your volunteer efforts, both internally and externally.

Get started with Catchafire’s employee engagement software

Transitioning to skills-based, meaningful, and flexible volunteering, facilitated by tools like Catchafire not only aligns with the desires of the modern workforce but also enhances corporate reputation, employee satisfaction, and overall productivity. By adopting these strategies, you are not just organizing a volunteer day or program; you are fostering a culture of purpose and impact that resonates deeply with your employees and the community at large.
Learn more about our employee engagement solutions and skills-based volunteering opportunities. Request a demo today.

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