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How-to guide: plan employee engagement activities year-round

Plan employee activities year-round; employee giving calendar - cover-min
Employee engagement programs are instrumental in fostering a positive corporate culture, creating employee connection, and making a meaningful impact in the community. For HR professionals, the challenge lies in keeping engagement levels high throughout the year. Our comprehensive guide will walk you through the importance of employee engagement, the benefits it brings, and how to effectively plan engagement activities to maintain a motivated and productive workforce. With a comprehensive calendar of key moments throughout the year, you can plan activities that increase employee engagement year-round. 

The importance of employee engagement in the workplace

Employee engagement refers to the emotional commitment employees have towards their organization and its goals. When employees are engaged, they are more likely to be invested in their work and strive for excellence. Here are some key reasons why employee engagement is vital:

Enhanced productivity

Engaged employees are more productive because they take ownership of their work and are motivated to achieve their goals. They are likely to go above and beyond their job descriptions, contributing to the organization's success.

Improved employee retention

There is a strong correlation between employee engagement and retention. High levels of employee engagement lead to increased job satisfaction, which in turn reduces turnover rates. Employees who feel valued and connected to their workplace are less likely to seek opportunities elsewhere, saving the company time and resources on recruitment and training.

Better customer satisfaction

When employees are engaged, they are more likely to provide excellent customer service. Happy employees often lead to happy customers, which can enhance the company's reputation and customer loyalty.

Innovation and creativity

Engaged employees are more likely to contribute innovative ideas and solutions. Their commitment and enthusiasm foster a culture of creativity and continuous improvement.

Positive workplace culture

A workplace with high employee engagement typically has a positive and collaborative culture. Employees are more likely to support one another, leading to a more harmonious and productive work environment.

The benefits of employee engagement

Plan employee activities year-round; employee giving calendar - 1-min

Employee volunteering offers numerous benefits for both the employer and the employee:

Increased employee well-being

Engaged employees often report higher levels of well-being. They experience less stress, better work-life balance, and overall job satisfaction. This well-being translates to lower absenteeism and fewer health-related issues.

Boosted morale

Regular engagement activities can significantly boost employee morale. When employees feel appreciated and recognized, their morale improves, leading to a more enthusiastic and motivated workforce.

Enhanced team collaboration

Engagement activities often encourage teamwork and collaboration. When employees participate in team-building exercises or group projects, they develop stronger relationships with their colleagues, improving communication and cooperation.

Development of skills

Engagement activities that focus on professional development help employees enhance their skills and knowledge. Employees have the opportunity to develop new skills through volunteering, such as leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving. This not only benefits the employees but also contributes to the organization's growth by having a more skilled workforce.

Strengthened organizational loyalty

Employees who are engaged are more loyal to their organization. They feel a sense of belonging and pride in their workplace, which strengthens their commitment to the company's mission and values. 

Community impact

Engaging in CSR initiatives enhances the company's reputation as a responsible corporate citizen, attracting top talent and loyal customers. By supporting nonprofits, employees contribute to positive social change and make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

Planning employee engagement activities year-round

Plan employee activities year-round; employee giving calendar - 2-min

1. Understanding your workforce

To plan effective employee engagement activities, it's crucial to understand the needs and preferences of your workforce. Conduct surveys or focus groups to gather feedback and insights. This information will help you tailor activities that resonate with your employees.

2. Diverse engagement strategies

Utilize a variety of employee engagement strategies to keep things fresh and exciting. Here are some ideas:

  • Team-building activities: Plan regular team-building exercises to foster collaboration and camaraderie. These can range from team volunteering to problem-solving challenges.
  • Professional development opportunities: Offer workshops, training sessions, and seminars to help employees develop new skills and advance their careers. Partner with employee engagement software providers like Catchafire to offer volunteer opportunities company-wide.
  • Recognition programs: Implement recognition programs to celebrate employee achievements. Regularly acknowledge hard work and milestones through awards, shout-outs, or bonuses.
  • Wellness programs: Promote employee well-being with wellness programs that include fitness challenges, mental health workshops, and healthy living initiatives.
  • Volunteer opportunities: Encourage employees to give back to the community through volunteer opportunities. Organize company-wide volunteer days or partner with local charitable organizations for ongoing projects.

3. Utilizing employee engagement software

What does a digital employee experience platform look like? Employee engagement software can be a valuable tool in planning and executing your engagement activities. These platforms offer various features such as volunteer opportunities, recognition tools, and performance tracking. By leveraging such software, you can streamline your engagement efforts and gain valuable insights into employee participation and areas for improvement.

4. Measuring and improving employee engagement

To ensure your engagement activities are effective, it's essential to measure their impact regularly. Use surveys, feedback forms, and analytics provided by employee engagement software to assess the success of your initiatives. Adjust your strategies based on the feedback and continuously seek ways to improve employee engagement.

Employee engagement guide: your employee giving calendar

Plan employee activities year-round; employee giving calendar - 3-min

Creating an employee giving calendar is an excellent way to plan and organize engagement activities throughout the year. Consider these opportunities to engage your team:


  • New year, new beginnings: Kickstart the year with a focus on setting CSR goals and initiatives.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Honor Dr. King's legacy through volunteer activities promoting equality and social justice.


  • Black History Month: Recognize and celebrate the contributions of Black nonprofits and leaders through educational events and volunteer opportunities.
  • Random Acts of Kindness Day (February 17th): Encourage employees to spread kindness in their communities.


  • Women's History Month: Highlight the achievements of women and support gender equality initiatives.
  • International Women's Day (March 8th): Organize events to empower women and address gender disparities.


  • Earth Day (April 22nd): Promote environmental sustainability through green initiatives and volunteer projects.
  • Volunteer Month: Engage employees in various volunteer opportunities to give back to the community.


  • Mental Health Awareness Month: Raise awareness about mental health issues and support initiatives promoting well-being.
  • Global Youth Service Day (April 24-26): Encourage youth empowerment through mentorship and community service.


Plan employee activities year-round; employee giving calendar - 4-min

  • Pride Month: Support LGBTQ+ rights and inclusion through advocacy and volunteer efforts.
  • World Environment Day (June 5th): Organize environmental clean-up events and sustainable initiatives.
  • Juneteenth: Learn about Black history and empower Black youth by volunteering.


  • Independence Day: Foster patriotism through community service projects benefiting veterans and military families.


  • Back to school: Provide support for education-related initiatives, such as school supply drives and literacy programs.


  • International Literacy Day (September 8): Volunteer for organizations around the globe that tackle illiteracy–support education initiatives for youth and communities.
  • National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 - October 15): Celebrate the contributions of Hispanic and Latino communities.


  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Support breast cancer research and raise awareness about prevention and early detection. Volunteer for nonprofits supporting womens’ health.
  • National Disability Employment Awareness Month: Advocate for inclusion and accessibility in the workplace while supporting nonprofits that support individuals with disabilities.


  • Veterans Day (November 11th): Recognize and support veterans through volunteer projects and outreach programs.
  • National Philanthropy Day (November 15th): Highlight the importance of philanthropy and give back to the community with a company-wide event.


  • Holiday giving: Organize donation drives and volunteer activities during the holiday season to support the causes you’re invested in.
  • Year-end reflection: Reflect on the impact of CSR initiatives and set goals for the upcoming year.

How Catchafire can support your company in key moments

Plan employee activities year-round; employee giving calendar - 5-min

Tailored volunteering

Employees can search for volunteer opportunities based on their skill set and availability. Virtual, in-person, hybrid, individual, and team volunteer opportunities are available. 

Organizing giving days and company-wide volunteer events

Organize your teams, managers, and ERGs around specific causes and company moments. We’ll curate each event to your company’s needs, and a dedicated event manager manages all logistics and is on-site the day of for support. 

Nonprofit board recruitment

Our board recruitment tool matches employees to nonprofits seeking board members, allowing for long-term impact and skill development.Our board recruitment tool matches employees to nonprofits seeking board members, allowing for long-term impact and skill development.

Custom impact reporting

Receive all the real-time data you need to take back to stakeholders like volunteer hours donated, impact value created, communities served, and cause areas.

Use this guide as a starting point to plan and execute engagement activities that will keep your employees connected and invested in your organization's success. Incorporating key moments into your CSR calendar provides a structured approach to driving awareness and engagement throughout the year. By leveraging employee volunteering initiatives, your organization can create a positive impact on society while simultaneously benefiting the company and its employees. 

Request a demo of Catchafire’s employee engagement software 

Speak with a member of our team today to learn more about how our employee engagement solutions can help transform your employee volunteer program.

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