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How skills-based volunteering bridges language gaps


Skills-based volunteering is a powerful tool that allows professionals to contribute their unique expertise to help nonprofits thrive. Among the many skills that volunteers bring to the table, translation plays a pivotal role in expanding a nonprofit’s reach and fostering inclusivity. For organizations serving diverse communities, providing materials in multiple languages is key to ensuring everyone can access their programs and services. By leveraging skills-based volunteer opportunities, nonprofits can tap into specialized talents like translation, which enhances their capacity and deepens their impact. Our Volunteer of the Month, Victoria, has used her translation skills to bridge language barriers for nonprofits, promoting inclusivity for the Spanish-speaking community. Through a well-structured skills-based volunteer program and the support of skills-based volunteer software like Catchafire, these efforts have truly made a difference.

The power of translation: supporting nonprofits and expanding access

Translation services are critical for nonprofits that aim to serve multilingual communities. When organizations provide materials in various languages, they create a more inclusive environment, allowing their programs to be more accessible to those who might otherwise face language barriers. Through skills-based volunteering, nonprofits can enlist professionals with expertise in translation to support their mission, often without the high costs associated with hiring specialized staff.

One of the key benefits of skills-based volunteering is the ability for nonprofits to fill essential gaps, like translation, that directly impact their programming and outreach efforts. Translation not only helps nonprofits connect with their community, but it also strengthens internal operations by ensuring staff and volunteers are on the same page, regardless of language differences. By offering skills-based volunteer opportunities, nonprofits create a mutually beneficial environment where volunteers apply their professional skills while helping the organization grow.

A robust skills-based volunteer program like Catchafire makes this possible by strategically matching volunteers with specific expertise to projects that align with their talents. With the help of our skills-based volunteer software, nonprofits can streamline the process of recruiting, managing, and tracking volunteer contributions, making it easier to harness these valuable skills like translation. Ultimately, translation volunteers provide nonprofits with the tools to expand their services and reach, fostering a more inclusive community.

Volunteer highlight: Meet Victoria

How skills-based volunteering bridges language gaps - cover-min

We spoke to Victoria, an expert translator, about her experience donating over 15,000 hours to support nonprofits with Spanish translations of their materials. Victoria has volunteered for over 30 translation projects with The M3ND Project alone, helping them translate their domestic violence curriculum into multiple languages, ensuring non-English speaking victims can understand emotional abuse, its impact, and find ways to heal.


"Initially, I aimed to translate $1 million of content within two years. Upon achieving this milestone, I was motivated to continue my efforts due to my passion for the work…To date, I have exceeded my latest goal of completing 500 translation projects.”

Victoria E., Volunteer of the Month


In a few sentences, tell us more about yourself and your background.

Born and raised in a multicultural environment in Ecuador, I developed a global perspective through extensive travels throughout the Americas and Europe. During my high school years, I lived in Spain and participated in an exchange program in Maine, further enriching my international experiences.

My academic journey led me to the University of Southern Maine, where I earned an Associate's degree in Liberal Arts. I completed a Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature from an Ecuadorian University and a Master's in ESL and Bilingual Education from an American institution.

My diverse interests encompass languages, education, music, art, psychology, and mathematics. I have held various roles throughout my career, including teacher, administrator, registrar, purchasing coordinator, translator and interpreter. My professional experience spans educational institutions, pharmaceutical companies, school districts, and the public sector. Currently, I serve as a translator and interpreter in the California State Senate, where I leverage my skills to contribute meaningfully to public service.

Why and how did you begin volunteering on Catchafire?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I applied my Spanish translation skills to contribute to public health efforts. Recognizing a lack of accessible Spanish-language information, I volunteered my time on online platforms like Catchafire to bridge communication gaps between English and Spanish-speaking communities. My work, characterized by accuracy, drove me to make a meaningful impact during this challenging time.

Through my involvement with Catchafire, I established a series of ambitious self-imposed goals. Initially, I aimed to translate $1 million of content within two years. Upon achieving this milestone, I was motivated to continue my efforts due to my passion for the work. I subsequently set a new goal of translating another $1 million within a year, which I accomplished in eight months. To date, I have exceeded my latest goal of completing 500 translation projects.

What has been your most impactful or memorable experience on Catchafire?

Seeing my work come to fruition has been a joyful and great privilege. I am deeply grateful to NegotiationWorks, Teens for Food Justice, AmazeWorks, The M3ND Project, Outreach, the New Jersey Consortium for Immigrant Children, Anchor International, Cosmic Writers, and the Coalition for Engaged Education for sharing their valuable work with me after allowing me to translate it into Spanish.

What has been your biggest takeaway from your experience on Catchafire? How has this impacted/influenced your life and career goals?

My commitment to translation goes beyond linguistic proficiency. I view myself as a facilitator of cross-cultural communication, bridging gaps between different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. My passion for promoting inclusivity drives my volunteer work, which adds a sense of purpose to my professional pursuits. Through Catchafire, I have found a platform that allows me to contribute meaningfully to a more connected world.

How do you feel your volunteer work has made a difference for the nonprofit or for those it serves?

Through my involvement with Catchafire, I have collaborated with over 120 organizations, contributing to their various initiatives. While I believe each translation project has made a positive impact, I am particularly grateful for the organizations that have shared the accomplishments made possible by my work. Knowing that my skills have enabled them to reach out to Spanish-speaking communities, provide essential services, and foster inclusivity is fulfilling.

How skills-based volunteering bridges language gaps - 1-min

What motivates you to take on multiple projects with the same organization? How does this ongoing commitment enhance your experience and impact?

A primary motivator for my continued collaboration with these organizations is the positive working relationships I have developed with their coordinators. Their support and guidance have been instrumental in ensuring the consistency and quality of my work. I am committed to providing the most accurate and effective translations to support their mission of creating accessible and professional content for the communities they serve. Through this work, I have had the opportunity to expand my knowledge in various subject areas and enhance my language skills.

Each translation project I undertake expands my understanding of how organizations address the needs of their beneficiaries. Through this work, I glimpse a promising future: a world characterized by health, resilience, environmental harmony, and the flourishing of all individuals.

What advice would you give to volunteers about starting their first Catchafire project? 

Take ownership of each project, strive for excellence in your work, and remember that your efforts will significantly impact its success.


"My passion for promoting inclusivity drives my volunteer work, which adds a sense of purpose to my professional pursuits. Through Catchafire, I have found a platform that allows me to contribute meaningfully to a more connected world.”

Victoria E., Volunteer of the Month


Volunteer on Catchafire

Lend your expertise to nonprofits by signing up for Catchafire’s skills-based volunteer software. With thousands of virtual and in-person skills-based volunteer opportunities on the platform, there’s something for everyone. Signing up and applying to a project takes five minutes – get started today.


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