With the election on the horizon, Catchafire, the premier volunteer and community impact platform, has launched an election hub to make sure everyone has a plan to vote on November 5th. Not only is election day an exciting opportunity to take part in democracy, it’s also a day with many volunteer needs. The hub promotes voting and volunteering, encouraging impactful actions both in and out of the voting booth.
“Elections are the cornerstone of any democratic society. Companies have to embrace the expanded role they play in driving voter access and participation. By creating a culture of participation and community service, we encourage individuals to strengthen community bonds and ensure that everyone’s voice is heard,” said Matt Miszewski, CEO of Catchafire.
Catchafire has partnered with Power the Polls, When We All Vote, and Vote Forward to encourage individuals to sign up as poll workers, register to vote, and create voting plans with their friends and family. Additionally, Catchafire is bringing grantmakers and corporations together to sponsor 200 nonpartisan nonprofits across the country working to drive voter registration and turnout.