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23 funders unite to reconstruct Michigan communities


A healthy nonprofit sector is vital to a healthy Michigan.


The Michigan Health Endowment Fund, Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation, The Skillman Foundation, the Washtenaw Coordinated Funders, and funders in the Great Lake Bay Region have joined together to launch a statewide nonprofit capacity-building program, “One Michigan.”

One Michigan connects nonprofits across the state with Catchafire’s network of talented pro bono professionals to address a wide range of operational needs such as developing a website, building a strategic plan, designing a brochure, professional development, and other areas of critical work. One Michigan aims to empower nonprofits across Michigan to strengthen their operations, teams, and ultimately accelerate their efforts to build stronger, healthier, and more equitable communities.

Learn more about the statewide approach here.


“Catchafire has allowed us to do things we never would have been able to do. The professionals are top notch and there are plenty to select from.”

Andrew Rickauer, Executive Director
United Way of Marquette County



“If we expect nonprofits to be sustainable and effective, we must offer support beyond grant dollars to ensure they can achieve their mission. A healthy nonprofit sector is vital to a healthy Michigan.”

Megan Murphy, Senior Program Officer
Michigan Health Endowment Fund


There are many ways to get involved and join us:

If you are a grantmaker curious about how to bring a collaborative to your area, or a funder interested in joining One Michigan, contact Catchafire's Regional Director Gerard McGeary at

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